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Self Sufficient Isolation

For our first series of blog posts we will be showing off our self isolation venture into veggie growing...

As with most things we have been wanting to create a vegetable patch for months, however we simply didn't have the time to do it.

Within the first couple of days of being at home the 'seed was planted' to create our vegetable patch. We bought a selection of seeds, soil and pots and set to work laying the foundations for our little self sufficient project.

The photo here is at around 4/5 days in and we started to see the first signs of life for our vegetables. We knew that they were going to grow fast, so we needed to think ahead...

With the glorious weather we begun the task of digging the vegetable patch in the front garden. Not easy considering the dryness of the ground and sheer amount of stones in the floor!

Growing the veg might not seem like a big deal, however it has huge value behind it. In doing this we have maintained structure in our day, we have created a routine by potting, repotting and preparing the next parts to our vegetable patch and we have a clear goal insight knowing that in a few short weeks we will benefit from our hard work and be able to use the veggies we have grown.

Find a purpose during this difficult time and do things that you thought you would never have the time to do.

Cherish moments with loved ones around you, reach out and connect with friends and family over the phone.

Check back soon to see how are vegetable patch progresses.

Stay home and Stay safe.

James Corfield



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